Tuesday, November 17, 2015

the looking glass by ahsek novel

HE SEES ME as i see myself/as if there was no one else/he is my first/my best/and my last/there is beauty in being vulnerable/i prefer to be raw/with him/there is comfort in truth/let's be real/from youth to grown ups/we are still us/perfectly human/the unexpected type/without the hype/maybe evolved as insecurities dissolve/his eyes and smile matches mine/with a heart healed from time/bruised by someone else/again and again/luckily/there is something left/more specifically/never has he neglected me/shut me out or pushed me down/he accepts me/respects me/even with the scars/regardless of what anyone else said/thought or heard/i can speak for myself/is it a reputation/a glass half empty/or is it half full/what's that situation/no kinda participation/all the falsifications/damn/allowing me the chance/inside/finding his love/sharing all of me/with him completely/forever and ever/even when we're not together/he has a safe place and he makes space/for me/as if there was no one else/he sees me as i see myself/specifically/i was already me/finally/he can see me for his self

bad habits good intentions by ahsek novel

THIS TIME around/maybe i'll settle down/with feet planted/firmly on hollow ground/so many years/shedding ice cold tears/remembering fears/speak lord/my heart is in distress/such a big mess/test after test/what is it worth/life cycles turn cartwheels/the devil already/made me a deal/still/everything right here/is real/forgive me/this is how i feel/still/everything right here/is real

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

clarity by ahsek novel

NOTHING hurts anymore/no need for nova cain/all that i am/becomes something better/than before/things i couldn't remember/things i didn't regret/things that I'll never forget/everything means more than you/can imagine/back and forth/turning each curve/twisting every emotion/walking a straight line/so close/to the edge/not even a work in progress/mission completed/the definitions translated perfectly/word/hoping it's the forever/i always wanted it to be/understand me/word/the definitions translated perfectly/every part of me/is something better than before/finally free/ready

i can tell by ahsek novel

I CAN tell/you prefer silver than gold/something aged but not old/simple quiet time versus a crowded room/i can tell/you don't miss the spotlight and that nothing was/ever gone too soon/a broken heart mended/through you/and it was you/i can tell/you know how to walk away/and not out welcome your stay/as you were groomed to say/thank you/and return the favor/the pressure of your peers/don't magnify your fears/i can tell/you know how to trust/how to love/and when to say goodbye/even when you try/and start to cry/learning lessons for everyone else/yet/you stand for yourself/i can tell/when things aren't/ok/and you need to be away/just so things can be/ok/i can tell/you know the truth/i can tell/you know when it's about you/i can tell/you have a heart/i can tell/when you really meant to/i can tell/what you went through/i can tell/you really need to/i can tell/you know not to/i can tell/you remember why/i can tell/you know when it's not about you/i can tell/you still care/i can tell/you're not that way/i can tell/that's why they like you that way/i can tell/that's why the other ones hate you/and they say that/about you/i can tell/you're already getting better/i can tell/we'll be ok/i can tell/i can tell/can you

rope burn by ahsek novel

HANDS wrapped tight/bound by blind faith as words/of truth ignite trust/some may call this lust/however/all that matters is us/sweet and supple as a lotus/this amazing/blazing as hot as a rimshot/moth to a flame/double barrel gun/cocked and loaded/like someone stole it/oh yes/we all know who wrote it/still/with an even kill/all that matters is us/from collared necks to bare backs/nails scratch/between bite marks and cuffed wrists/see/these are not fists/there is alot more to this/a perfect bow/plucking violin strings/no phone rings/a conversation never interrupted/silent vows with a subsonic flow/let's take our version of love below/a haunting satisfaction resolved

Monday, November 9, 2015

blackberries by ahsek novel

BLACK is/the label they gave me/it is a mix/of heritage and native blood/black is more than a color/it is a positive/in a negative sky/not a curse/or a bad attitude/from midnight to café lattes/the skin of pride/from clean shaven scalps/short cuts/pressed edges/to long flowing kinky happy/nappy locs/to almond shaped and big bug/wide eyes/huge noses and full luscious lips/slim bodies to thick mams/we are love/that honey milk/sensual erotic almighty/goddesses for our worthy/well deserving kings/forever queens/pure royalty of this earth/we are beautiful/and internationally desirable/speaking ebonics to slang/with rich accents/that elaborate on zora neal hurston/langston hughes/alice walker/rita dove/tennessee williams/maya angolou/and tupac shakur/natural remedies from the front and back yard/at nana’s house/southern fried/with buttermilk biscuits/collard greens/and sweet potato pie/kool colors and lemonade flavors/aid every bebe kid/in the hood/very educated/even healthy/no heart disease/no diabetes/with moderation of ingestion/no over consumption of salty/fatty acids/save our baby girls/single mothers/married folk/and widows/caregivers/homemakers/corporate workers/business owners/city and state officials/all up in the government/it is swag/from the sway of hips/to a pep in step/we are innovators/of music/fashion/sports/and art/with so much potential/a culture siphoned/making strides to expand/on that foundation/our ancestors gave their lives for/god bless/we are alive/thank you

Sunday, November 8, 2015

epic by ahsek novel

A SUTBLE HELLO becomes the climax/of a love episode/no secrets/building links upon truth/a sweet embrace becomes the catalyst/of a midnight summers' dream/erotic glances/second and third/fourth and fifth chances/never seemed enough/rivers running deep/so deep knees made weak/romance/imagine/we speak until we peak/guess you know why/i didn't make a peep/silence is golden/grasping at the moment of/a euphoric connection/coming fast and loud/steady coasting/riding high like a volcanic wave/approaching heaven allowing warmth to enter/front and center/guess you know why/i didn't make a peep/silence is golden/taking all of it in/pure bliss/sealed with a kiss

sight & sound by ahsek novel

MY EYES are enlightened/a portrait of perfection/a complete collection of sonnets and morning sunshine/we arise/alive with the harmony/breathing becomes easy/my ears are delighted/a seductive vibration of colorful notes/tuned simply for two/we arise/bursting in a pool of emotions/this/feels better in slow motion/hoping/working on a masterpiece/indeed/collaborated happiness/when together

old pictures by ahsek novel

THOSE old pictures/in the family album/that captured the memories/at that point and hour/with time/become past reflections of who it was/age progression/skin tones/hair transformations/weight fluxuations/baby teeth/side angle gaps/wisdom molars/braces and acne prone places/different faces/cameras don't lie/there is truth in the flesh/for it is life that changes/and shifts through phases/images deflected/distorted/yet/our souls remain the same/smile/those new pictures taken/will too become old and faded/many unrecognizable glances/remembering the circumstances before photoshop/and facebook crops/original slides/that waited to be developed/images deflected/distorted/yet/our souls remain the same/smile/those new pictures taken/will too become old and faded/there is truth in the flesh

keepsake (limerence) by ahsek novel

ROSE petal lips/with cream cheese kisses/side whispers and half glances/love lessons where the result of/romantic circumstances/this thing with you/is better than any harloquin novel/not even imaginary/falling faster than sound/a sight with the speed of light/trusting/covered simply in peace/heaven isn't too far away

Friday, November 6, 2015

ditto by ahsek novel

RAISED eyebrows/sweet lips licked with/the after taste of honey/from arms to ankles our conversations tangle/looking at you through filtered eyes/as the light/hits the staircase with a perfect angle/loud footsteps alert my senses/and in the distance i hear libidos/speaking in tongues/taking control of my neck and back/raw leather and jet black whips/arched hips and curved legs spread/then mix and mingle as you enter/yes/you may enter/yes/i'm saying this/to you/yes/you may enter

what's real (that's what i'm saying) by ahsek novel

THE DIFFERENCE between/real and fake/is the amount of time it takes/spinning lies into sub cultures/then hoping for originality/it is the night sky in a city/landscape or portrait format/squeezing the current situation into an 8.5 by 11 crawl space/then saying/look/i made it/i did that/but/what did i get back/assess the assets/what are you most proud of/accomplishments vary/just remember what it means to who/the difference between/real and fake/knowing and thinking/doing and saying/wishing and praying/are we debating/or simply giving and taking/i'm saying/does it apply/and if not why/or if yes/did you pass some sort of test/a straight lace face/with a body full of exclamation points and quotation marks/is it biological/where does it come from/creativity/i'm saying/what/do you see/what i'm saying/is the responsibility yours/there it goes again/does it apply/is something illegal/did it make them laugh/or did they cry/mentally damaged/when does stupidity kick in/is it computing/control/alt/delete/freedom/it's expression/respectfully and truly/the difference between/real and fake/a system error/control/alt/delete

system error pt1 by ahsek novel

IT SEEMS we live/in a world where/being fake is a requirement/on the surface/money/fake tans/fake hair/fake eyes/fake nails/fake smiles/lies and alibies/story telling/fake breast and what's best/silicon a**es/purchased and injected by the masses/impostor brands for those not worthy/or lucky enough to splurge/with grands/as we enter this transition in time/subjected to/manufactured personalities/lacking originality/yet/there's always a question of/what's real/it seems no one respects/real love/has sincere concern/or can express authentic tears/fears/true sacrafices/not contained or maintained/within hand held devices/not sometimes/or maybe/but just because/it's a holiday baby/but real 365/24/7/even in stormy weather/is it a question/of loyalty or maturity/completing goals based on hard worth/requires effort/there are no short cuts/no magick spells to cast/or pretend/make believe realities/fantasies/are good/truthfully/pain/is real/death/is real/evil/is real/natural law/is real/forgiveness/is real/beauty/is real/peace/is real/life/is real/we honor truth/real is real/words/are real/allow them to heal/life/is real/we honor truth/words/are real/allow them to heal

chocolate by ahsek novel

I'D RATHER melt/with you/than debate about  who’s/righter/brighter/lighter/or didn’t you know/that there are many/types of chocolate/from milky semi sweet to thick hershy-licious/all of them delicious/from ghieredelli  to belgium/why the competition/for there is no better me/than a reflection of you

for you by ahsek novel

WHEN WE make love/i escape from the pains/the dullness/the faded lights and still life paintings of past lovers/i want to swallow you between my thighs and release you into the day/exploring the unknown and rediscovering the old and familiar/forming us/we/even three/i want to bare sons and daughters for you/when we kiss/it's like a love song playing forever in my mind/pressing/rewind/forward/then stop/pausing at the part when i scream your name/and i become high/intoxicated/breathing you into my soul/i want to be everything for you/i want to be something honest and pure/i want to be beautiful for you

Thursday, November 5, 2015

replacement drug (amended) by ahsek novel

FLOATING OFF into/the purple lights/smoke/burning my eyes/as i become high/from your touch/floating off/into the purple lights/gathering my thoughts/to form words/a simple conversation/mixed phrases/blurs and slurs/that translate into/the story of us/how high are you/how high am i/wanting more and more/never to pass/not meant for heavy rotation/yet/i share with you/let’s inhale this moment/let’s blaze this moment/and spark one/for all the times/that we didn’t/couldn’t/and shouldn’t have/floating off into/the purple lights/the story of us/how high are you/how high am i/floating off into/the purple lights/let’s inhale this moment/let’s blaze this moment/and spark one/for all the times/that we didn’t/couldn’t/and shouldn’t have/we never pretended it to be love/until we both were sure that it was/we never wanted it to be fake/just for other peoples sake/sometimes it turned into a debate/and was always worth the wait/now/the situation has become complicated/underrated and over duplicated/the story of us/how high are you/how high am i/who was it that fell off/or that needed a crutch/and got burned by the touch/floating off into/the purple lights/but was it ever enough/it just being us/i still wonder/as our song continues/dubbed/looped/and repeats forever/how high are you/how high am i/the story of us

dedicated by ahsek novel

RECIPICATED/yes really/he felt it/then dealt with it/dedicated/now i'm melted/he be a darius lovehall/call me nina mosley/baby just hold me/cuz this is a love jones/drunk/strung out/higher/the gifted/gotta be lifted/off a song and a dream/moaning/screaming yes please/it's classic/a ballad turnt up/capturing each memory/like a perfectly tuned mood/exuding confidence/making alot more than the rent/he be a darius lovehall/call me nina mosley/early breakfast/coffee and cigarettes/not one line did he forget/digging on each poem that i wrote/word/falling in love as we spoke/the beginning of our first hit/us making scenes just/like in the movies/a soothing touch worth/more than any gold/sapphires and rubies/baby come through me/time well spent/validates us more than any ring/my finger could/hold up/not that it doesn't mean anything/but to who/we want more/word/truth be told/i'm dedicated/elevated/he be a darius lovehall/call me nina mosley/cuz this is a love jones/we went from finding forever/to making magic/approaching heaven/seven/eight/nine/ten/eleven/now it's seven again/sun up/sun down/we're both in it to win it/damn right/let's do it/pure bliss/lovers and friends/to homies and then/right back to lovers again/we don't even have to pretend/seven/eight/nine/ten/eleven/now it's seven again/sun up/sun down/we went from finding forever/to making magic/approaching heaven/here/finally/he be a darius lovehall/call me nina mosley/cuz this is a love jones/dedicated/sincerely/a poet

grapes & absinthe by ahsek novel

AS OUR EYES met/silently expressing/our immortal love/sunart and i sat with the elders/this too/was a great honor/true bloods/full turned vampires/all together/they welcomed us/with fangs shown/pupils dilated/glowing/this was our new home/beating hearts/sleep to dream/as our eyes met/silently expressing/our immortal love/sunart and i smiled/as we sipped the tonic/beating hearts/sleep to dream

hollow glory by ahsek novel

SILENT screams haunt/spirits greive for those hung/and tied to trees/how free is free/for freedom is free/how often is it seen/the keen sense of regret/has consumed thoughts/and punished hearts/crushed visions of/everlasting life/how free is free/for freedom is free/how often is it seen

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

sweet love hangover by ahsek novel

IT WAS the first time/that i saw/your face/it was the second time/that i called/your name/maybe/it was the smell/of your kiss/or the touch/from your lips/intoxicating/mesmerizing/bright lights/high lights/that spark/with each peak/caramel covered moans/as fingers roam/like a stoned lovers smooth/whiskey blues/in a smoke filled room/zoom zoom/this is/a new school groove

poetry defined by ahsek novel

POETRY is escaping through words to express that which is internal that is translated as feelings, thoughts, emotions as to be communicated externaly. it flows from our lips through spoken word...it drips from our pens and pencils onto papers and notebooks so we can look back and reflect...it is art...it is remixed and spun through sound...like a love song or a rap verse never in reverse, never to be silenced as it is alive!!!