Monday, November 9, 2015

blackberries by ahsek novel

BLACK is/the label they gave me/it is a mix/of heritage and native blood/black is more than a color/it is a positive/in a negative sky/not a curse/or a bad attitude/from midnight to café lattes/the skin of pride/from clean shaven scalps/short cuts/pressed edges/to long flowing kinky happy/nappy locs/to almond shaped and big bug/wide eyes/huge noses and full luscious lips/slim bodies to thick mams/we are love/that honey milk/sensual erotic almighty/goddesses for our worthy/well deserving kings/forever queens/pure royalty of this earth/we are beautiful/and internationally desirable/speaking ebonics to slang/with rich accents/that elaborate on zora neal hurston/langston hughes/alice walker/rita dove/tennessee williams/maya angolou/and tupac shakur/natural remedies from the front and back yard/at nana’s house/southern fried/with buttermilk biscuits/collard greens/and sweet potato pie/kool colors and lemonade flavors/aid every bebe kid/in the hood/very educated/even healthy/no heart disease/no diabetes/with moderation of ingestion/no over consumption of salty/fatty acids/save our baby girls/single mothers/married folk/and widows/caregivers/homemakers/corporate workers/business owners/city and state officials/all up in the government/it is swag/from the sway of hips/to a pep in step/we are innovators/of music/fashion/sports/and art/with so much potential/a culture siphoned/making strides to expand/on that foundation/our ancestors gave their lives for/god bless/we are alive/thank you

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