Thursday, December 14, 2017

a black woman said this by ahsek novel

i saw the face
of a black woman
she had
one blue eye and one green eye
her skin was
brown and golden
just like mine

she spoke gentley
and directly to me
in a cloudy dream
her words were deep
yet soft and sweet

she spoke
look at what we've become
my child
for you were created 
in my image
african queens and kings
you were my greatest creation
and yet 
i could not protect
you from the world
you have been used and abused
ripped and torn
from my womb even after birth
cursed and sworn into slavery
physical and mentally
you were not meant to be chained
it is my fault
that i have failed you
i ask so much of you
yet you continue to love me
how can this be

for you are not
blind, deaf or dumb
therefore i am ashamed and humbled
by your strength
and forgiveness
that even i do not posess
you are natural beauty
you are gold and sapphire
the rarest diamonds
and have created even
more than i have deserved
only to be robbed of
what you have earned
always fighting for credit
and your rights
simply as a human
you have committed no crimes
or broken any of my commandments
i am ashamed and humbled
by your strength and forgiveness

as she spoke
i heard and listened 
with tearful eyes
and my heart caught
in my throat
sweaty palms and pinched nerves
looking god in the face
i did not dare speak
i had a mother
and i was there when she died
in a hospital
so out of respect
i kept my mouth shut

for this image
appearing before me
was something surreal
such beauty
such grace
such feeling of love
yet sadness and sorrow
clung to my existance
as i clung to the hope
that my mother would get better
and even though she didn't
i know she knows how i feel
who was this lady
that reminded me of my mother
kind and loving
nothing like the stereotypical
prototypes that have been spoon feed
into our society introveiniously for decades
through magazines, billboards, movies
tv shows and song lyrics galore
i mean how could one think anythng
other than that a black woman was 
nothing more than a whore
an ignorant fool that would birth more
foolish whores
is that true
or common knowlegde

i heard god speak again
i turned my attention
to her
the light was so bright
all i could do is
squint my eyes to 
get a better glimpse

she said
my child
do not fear
because your love
is pure
i made a promise
to protect you
because i am
your lord and savior
you have honored me
and held my name on most high
can i not love you
can i not reward you 
with the kingdom of glory

i was shocked
and amazed but also relieved
this validation
for all the trails and tribulations
was this a mere dream
or some sort of hullucination
a lucid manifestation
similar to my past temptations

she continued
my child
fear not
for i am real
i reside in the earth
the heart and the spirit
never doubt me
for only i know
the day, the minute and the hour
even when it may seem
as though time is running short
remain still

i had so many questions
but the vision
started to fade
and with a blink
of the eye
she was gone

her foot prints
remain scatterd in my mind
and from time to time
i witness bits and peices
of her around me
always encouraging
always guiding

some say
we are only as good as 
our faith
others say 
we are only as strong as
our past
so tell me
what do you believe
have you ever seen god
and has god ever spoke to you

ain't that crazy


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

friction (prelude) by ahsek novel

when you are at the intersection of
becoming and being
it is a self serving lesson and even though others try to dictate who you are
either authentic or manufactured
from your creativity
the opportunity is yours
not theirs
and you must be strong enough to not be liked by everybody
because they don’t want to be wrong
nor do they want you to be right
nor do they want you to be anything
other than what they can control
it is the friction of knowing and showing respect for it is a constant
reminder that all of us were created
alleged-lly equal
intentionally without mistake
the struggle to coexist
yet the only conflict
is that we can not accept ourselves so we nit and pick at others self esteem
as if that would elevate our own pride
standing in the shadows of our forefathers
as if to redeem some sort of prize
it’s like the R word vs the N word
and who can hold their breath the longest
who shall cast the first stone said no one other than a hater waiting for you to fall all because you were defiant to them yet compliant enough to visualize and actualize the corporate bullshit
well I guess that makes me unfit
and currently unavailable
or maybe just misunderstood
all the while I am understanding
because I am under who
still I am not beneath
I mean how could I possibly know something
they don’t
that’s it
we become numb to survive

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

who are they by ahsek novel

WHO ARE THEY/i can only speak for myself /yet/i will share my voice with you/simple is when/they hate you because/they are not you/they sneak and whisper/about you behind you/all because you were different and strong enough/to define you and remind them/of who and what you are/not by default but by experience/all the while knowing/you are not better than them/nor the same as them/not simply because of aesthetics/or mannerisms or egos or personality/which make each/and everyone of us/unique/but because even if we do/the same/we are different and so we continue/the invisible competition with them/because they want what we organically have/and so they hate/breeding hate/lacking love/and their jealousy and envy/fuels your passion and lust for life/and you know what really pisses them off/is that you continue to live/you continue to think/you continue to love/you continue to create/but most importantly/you continue to be you/the most simple/and most difficult thing/you can do is be you/never forget who supported you/never forgot/how they treated you/how they protected you/and loved you/even if they don't understand/you remember/you remember how it feels/to be alone/remember how it feels/to be cold and starving/that uncertainty/where were they/did they offer help/did they care/this is why/they are not deserving of you/they are not you/they are not the they you refer to/when you reference love or friendship/who are they to you/this world is so big/with many opinions/and we are very small/with limited time/and they do not control you/so am i speaking/for you/because you agree/or you wish that you were me/just like they do/either way/keep living/and remember you/because i'm still me!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

caramel (interlude) by ahsek novel

I WALKED OUT/of my mothers womb/speaking poetry and/whispering curses/i drink hennessey/and watch sunsets/my skin is brown/and melts like peanut butter/in a 365 degree heated oven/my voice is soft and/my words cut through barbwire fences/my heart is caged and/is also strong like Isis/i roll dices each day/because i'm still taking a chance/with each breath that i take/tempted and full of lust/he suddenly became my everything/as i became his flame/i became twisted and knotted/fully becoming aware/that i was under/his spell

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

black leather kiss by ahsek novel

BLACK LEATHER/tight skin/raw hide/hand soft gripping thighs/eyes wide lips slit/whispers/ignite my inner bitch/fuck/i scream inside/as he taste my lies/tight skin/raw hide/hand soft grippng breast nipples hard pressed/against his chest/bodies saying yes/bound and blind folded/wondering who was it that molded such a man/here we are/together and grown as ever/wearing black leather and chains/without pain or any shame/dreams of submission/he grants me permission/still/here i am/screaming yes/as his tongue/goes deeper/inside my center/granting him/permission to enter