Tuesday, July 21, 2020


you were my dream
I am eluded
by your charm
your eyes
your smile
your touch
belong to me
I am persuaded
by our conversations
your lips
your tongue
your kiss
is my secret 
and my most
prized possessions
how I long
to be wrapped
in your embrace
face to face
we taste
each others thoughts
I want more
as you give me
all you've got
my favorite part
something like a 
work of art
a Michael Angelo even
this time it's real
we leverage foreplay
as we entangle
with pillows and sheets
me on top
as you become
hard underneath
this love is sweet
like summertime heat
honey suckle dew
and butter scotch cream
this time it's real
something we both
can feel

behind the scene: new york crown day celebration

crown day celebration: new york

I celebrate Black hair independence and my right to wear my natural hair boldly and proudly. I #passthecrown so that the next generation won’t have to. Join the fight to end hair discrimination in America. #thecrownact

to join the celebration, click here ;)

Friday, July 3, 2020

july 3rd is national crown day!!!

hey guys, today is July 3rd and it has new meaning...today is National CROWN Day!!!
Many of you may STILL NOT KNOW about The CROWN Act that passed last year to end race based hair discrimination (in California). Since then, New York, Virginia, New Jersey, Colorado, Washington and Maryland have protection but we still have work to do to end hair based discrimination in schools and in the workplace.

As a person of color who naturally has loc'd hair, I personally know the struggle 
if you've been paying attention or glimpsed at the news  (prior to cover-19) there are several discrimination cases around the nation that were race based and specific to hair...braids, afros and locs....it has to stop!!! it must stop!!! 

yes, we are more than our hair and what is natural should not be subjective or used as a reason to prevent us from pursuing our academic and professional goals

I wish that hair wasn't an issue but it is and so here I am again standing up for my freedom, for my right and for my independence!!! 
My natural is an option...let that sink in
again Happy National CROWN Day!!!
if you want to create your own CROWN Day pics like I did using the official filter, go to @thecrownact and click the link in bio...enjoy *hearts*

p.s. don't forget to sign the petition to help end race based hair discrimination here 

cheers ;)